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Improve your Practice: Vinyasa Workshop

  • At One Studio 127 Buckley Street Essendon, VIC, 3040 Australia (map)

Join Marcus & Saskia for an in-depth Yoga asana workshop focused on the postures and transitions in the common Surya Namaskar sequence or sun salutation.

Get more out of your yoga practice by fine tuning your alignment to create more ease, develop strength and deepen your experience.

A Vinyasa sequence is regularly featured in our yoga classes and yet we don’t usually take the time to stop and break down each pose within it. Dogs? Chaturangas? Baby Cobras? Utta-what?

It can all be super confusing if you’re not really sure what you are meant to be doing. Even if you are a seasoned yogi, have you ever actually broken down each posture in a sun salutation in more detail?

This 4 hour interactive workshop includes:

  • A short energising Vinyasa practice

  • A breakdown of the foundational postures within the Sun Salutation sequence -

  • An overview of basic anatomy

  • Modifications or adjustments to fit your body needs and abilities

  • How to use props effectively

  • How to link movement with breath and smooth out the transitions from one posture into the next (enabling you to find more flow)

  • Plenty of opportunity to ask questions and receive direct personalised assistance.

  • Complete ebook containing all the information in the workshop

Suitable for all levels.

$120 per person (20% off for At One members, auto applied)

Limited space. Booking essential.


Marcus has been teaching yoga for 3 years. His background as a paramedic has made him passionate about using practices such as yoga as a way to maintain good health and reduce injury and illness. He loves teaching students about functional movement in order to help them develop good habits that can be applied to life off the mat.

23 March

Nervous System Reset: AN Hour of Deep Relaxation