Our wonderful teachers incorporate their own knowledge and unique insights into every class…

Saskia At One Studio Owner & Yoga/Pilates teacher
  • I started practising yoga 6 years ago to help with anxiety and the chronic fatigue I was experiencing at the time, as well as back pain from a gymnastics injury. I qualified in 2018, and have since completed over 600 hours training in different yoga disciplines including yoga therapy, as well as Pilates and breath-work.

    It is now my full-time job. I run 1:1 and group sessions as well as hosting events and retreats, while continuing to develop my personal practice and teaching style. Inclusivity and equality are core values of mine, and I want everyone in my classes to feel ‘seen’ regardless of ability, age, gender, shape or background.

    My mission is to show that yoga can be made accessible to everyone; yes, we all have limitations, but I truly believe limitations are where growth happens. It really is a beautiful and never ending journey and I can’t wait to bring you along with me.

Marcus At One Studio Owner & Yoga/Pilates Teacher
  • I have 6 years clinical experience working as an Ambulance Paramedic and came to yoga around 5 years ago when I was suffering with lower back pain as well as struggling with my mental health. I fell head over heels with the practice and have incorporated it heavily into my day to day life ever since.

    In my classes I like to focus on functional movements in order to help my students develop good habits that can be applied to life off the mat. I have seen first hand the increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases and mental health problems. I firmly believe that the classes we provide here can give the individual the autonomy to develop strength, resilience and feel good.

  • I discovered Yoga around 2 years ago and have spent everyday since developing my own personal practice. Yoga has been the back bone of my physical, spiritual and emotional journey back to myself. I now have the pleasure of sharing my love for the practice with the At One community.

    In my classes I aim to offer students the space to make the practice holistic in their own way. To assist them on their own journey and supporting them every step of the way.

  • I discovered yoga over 8 years ago, as I was searching for a little more calmness in my life. Very quickly I noticed the benefits and was hooked! I began my teaching journey in Rishikesh, India. It was such an incredible place to explore the roots of yoga, where yoga is not just a practice, but a way of life. When I returned to Melbourne I continued to learn more and delved deeper into one of my passions- Yin yoga.

    What I believe is so special about yoga is that it can provide something completely different for everyone, an individualised practice, yet coming together as a collective.

    My classes aim to provide a space to come and meet yourself wherever you are on any given day- with full support and a sense of warmth. There is always an opportunity for reflection, connection to the layers of the body, mind and most importantly, the breath.

Sophie Walsh Yoga Teacher (Vinyasa and Slow Flow)
  • I started my yoga journey over 7 years ago and completely fell in love with the practice from day one, so decided to do a teacher training in Bali.

    I truly believe that by slowing down the mind, coming into the body and being aware of self, one can truly experience the benefits of yoga both on and off the mat. As a forever student, I love to learn about the philosophy of yoga and I’m always trying to develop my skills and knowledge wherever possible.

    I can’t wait share what I have learned so far with you!

Liefke Davey Yoga Teacher (Vinyasa, Slow Flow and Yin)
  • I began yoga about 5 years ago and fell in love with the feeling it left me with after practice. It became something I did regularly, providing me with a safe space to move, process and grow.

    I love teaching a variety of yoga styles including Vinyasa, Slow Flow and Yin. My classes offer a challenge for students in a supportive and welcoming environment; there are always modifications and advances offered in poses, giving you the freedom to make the practice your own. I always enjoy sprinkling through elements of yogic philosophy throughout my classes in order to add context and meaning to parts of the practice.

Vinh Yoga teacher (Slow Flow)
  • I have a real passion for helping others find inner peace and presence which I think is reflected in the classes I teach. I aim to create a space where students can unwind, connect with themselves and cultivate a sense of calmness amidst the stresses of daily life.

    In my classes, I take students on an introspective journey, emphasising the importance of breath and mindful movement, encouraging students to move at their own pace and honour their bodies. With a focus on intention and presence, he guides students through a practice that invites them to let go of stress and tension, and leave feeling grounded.

    Whether you’re an experienced yogi or new to the practice, I welcome you to join me on the mat and explore the transformative power of yoga.

Alyssa Yoga Teacher (restorative yoga therapy)
  • The philosophy of living holistically presented itself 8 years ago and ingrained deeper into the fabric of my life when living and working in India from the years of 2019-2023. This practice came in as my saving grace to help me heal, especially from burnout. I have studied varying healing modalities in Australia, Mexico and India. I am certified in bodywork and yoga practitioner of Hatha and Restorative Iyengar Therapy. My style of therapy focuses on a mind-body support for people suffering from physical stress and chronic conditions for people of any age.

Chelsea Byrne Mat Pilates Teacher
  • Influenced by my dance background, I always want my students to experience joy and freedom in my Pilates classes. I’m constantly seeking opportunities to move creatively and intelligently, incorporating somatic methods to increase body awarness and movement efficiency.

    I’d describe my classes as dynamic in nature; shifting between moments of alignment and intuitive movement to develop both mobility and strength.

    My aim is for you to leave class feeling lighter, more grounded and spacious.

  • I’d describe my classes as a moving meditation. With a strong emphasis on breath awareness, I aim to fill my yoga and Pilates sequences with intention and purpose.

    Coming from a background in professional contemporary dance, I have a natural love for all things movement. I really enjoy incorporating my knowledge of somatic practices as well as functional movement into each class I teach, helping you to create balance within the body and space within the mind.

Ana Yoga Teacher (Hatha and Slow Flow)
  • I began practicing yoga in 2017 and I’ve never looked back. Through my practice I’ve found a sense of inner-peace that goes far beyond the mat.

    Yoga to me is a holistic practice and has added so much curiosity, joy and love to my life all-around. In my classes, I hope to encourage this in others too!