What is a Sun Salutation?
Surya Namaskar, more commonly known as a Sun Salutation, is a set sequence of postures that flow seamlessly from one to the next along with the cadence of the breath.
Dating back around 2,500 years, Salutations are believed to have been regarded as a ritual of reverence for the sun, and were practised in the morning to prepare the body and mind for the day ahead.
WHY 108?
In yogic tradition, 108 is an auspicious number; for example, there are 108 Upanishads (Hindu spiritual texts), 108 Hindu deities, 108 sacred points on the body and the distance between the sun and the earth is 108 times the sun’s diameter. 108 is also believed to represent the wholeness of existence or spiritual completion, with 1 representing the self, 0 representing emptiness and 8 representing infinity.
The consistent practice of repeating Sun Salutations 108 times not only builds heat and strength within the body and lulls the mind into a meditative state, but it also brings about a sense of unity and connection with others as we move, breathe and flow as one.
7:30am-8:45am: A 75 minute practice including an opening meditation, warm up, 108 Sun Salutations and a closing meditation.
8:45am-9:15am: Tea and snacks after in our community space.
$35 per person. 50% off for At One Weekly Members using code ATONEMEMBER50*
*(only applies to those on our weekly direct debit memberships)
Limited spaces. Booking essential. Please note our usual cancellation policy still applies.