In collaboration with local Acupuncture clinic, Qi Medicine…
Time to reset and restore. Yin and Pin merges two of the most ancient Eastern modalities: Acupuncture and Yoga, both bringing balance into your life and enhancing your well-being.
This is a beautiful, shared and safe space for healing and the perfect way to calm, centre, ground and rejuvenate the nervous system.
£60 per person.
15% off for At One Members (only those on weekly direct debit memberships) using code ATONEMEMBER15 at checkout.
Please ensure you fill out the online consent form that you'll be emailed to you by Qi Medicine before the event.
Please note: This is a small and intimate event with very limited spaces available, so booking is essential. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice or do not show up, you will not be refunded.
The selected acupuncture points used during the Yin and Pin session are selected to access four special nerve locations on the hands, feet, and head; They are found to regulate and calm the parasympathetic nervous system. The traditional understanding of these ancient points is in their ability to settle the heart-mind axis and regulate the qi (‘chee’) energy.
The acupuncture given in this special setting offers a natural balancing influence on the body. They work by either encouraging lightness in mood, in support of people struggling with daily heaviness, or by anchoring and calming people who may be experiencing anxiety and struggle to quietly settle within themselves.
All the acupuncture points for Yin and Pin are entirely safe and not generally painful. During the session (after the needles have been placed), the acupuncturist will be available and on hand for ongoing support if any discomfort or concerns arise. However, acupuncture for the purpose of emotional regulation and nervous system relaxation is thankfully a very enjoyable experience.