Join the movement which is changing the world & learn from the best. There are only 23 certified Wim Hof instructors in Australia today and our facilitator, Adam, is one of them!
Learn the Wim Hof Method, gain tools to combat stress/ inflammation, understand the science behind what you are doing. and connect with likeminded people in your community.
WIM HOF Method is the most legitimate, safe and well studied techniques when it comes to breathwork and cold exposure in the entire world. Professional, legitimate, trauma informed and transformational.
$150 per person. Limited spaces available.
What does the day look like?
The class kicks off with a short introduction to the Wim Hof Method and its three pillars – Breath, Cold and Commitment. The instructor briefly covers safety, and any affects you might experience during the session, before explaining the basic WHM breathing technique. You’ll then bring your consciousness to body & breath for several rounds of WHM breathing. The instructor will guide you throughout the session and will end with a short meditation. After this, you will be delighted to a warm cup of cocoa whilst we share and then be taken through the safety protocols, science and technique of cold-water exposure followed by the ICE BATH. We reheat the body back up and then end the experience with how to integrate the practise in your life.
Benefits of this Technique:
Improved immune system
Increased energy
Heightened focus & determination
Reduced stress levels
More resilience to fear and challenges
Improved sport performances
Better sleep
Greater cold tolerance
About Adam
Former professional boxer, Adam Kaoullas has been in the health industry for 12 years. In his first degree he majored in applied Kineselogoly and worked for a USA rehabilitation centre, helping people regain their motor skills and even walk again.
In studying his second degree in Chinese Medicine, he fell in love with the practices of Yin + biochemistry which he now applies to his love of Breath work.
Outside of Breath work, Adam is an experienced Anatomy + Physiology Teacher with Yoga Alliance International and teaches on 200HR, 300HR + 500HR Yoga Teacher trainings